Month: April 2020

Mari Copeny: More Than A Pageant Queen

In the small town of Flint, Michigan, in 2016, one child sent a letter to Former President Barack Obama to advocate for environmental change in her community. Unlike many other

“Our House is on Fire”: Supplementary Materials

Join us for a reading of Jeanette Winter’s “Our House Is on Fire: Greta Thunberg’s Call to Save the Planet”.  Learn the story of Greta Thunberg, the seventeen-year-old climate activist

The Voice of an Untamed Heart: Victim of Circumstance amid COVID 19

I woke up this morning to rain falling and echoes of my children talking. It is a normalness that I have been accustomed to but soon I remember that it’s

“3,585 Miles to be an American Girl”: Supplementary Materials

3,585 Miles to be an American Girl | Supplementary Materials Join us for Nury Crawford’s reading of her book “3,585 Miles to be an American Girl”. An English & Spanish

Greta Thunberg: More Than A Teenager

A Swedish teenager ignited a global generational movement to force the world to address climate change. In 2018, Greta Thunberg began her campaign to address the existential threat of climate

A Note from the Executive Director of IHTI

In critical times, those who are most vulnerable suffer much more than those of us blessed with stable families, support systems, and resources. Some see this as an opportunity to

Let’s Face This Together

Dear Friends of The Center: Our doors have been closed since March 14, and our team misses the in-person interaction with our community.  We send strength and love to all