Campaign for Equal Dignity

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The Campaign for Equal Dignity is galvanizing people who believe in human rights to demand equal dignity for all.

Anger and despair are gripping our country. There is deep mistrust of society’s civil institutions. We face a moment when black men and women are murdered by vigilantes and law enforcement; our government is slow to respond to a global pandemic; and sky-high unemployment is affecting communities of color, poor people, immigrants, LGBTQ communities and the elderly hardest. Our democracy is broken. Real and meaningful structural change is required to fix it.

We recognize that in order to bridge the division and ensure equal dignity, “we the people” need to create change. This campaign will provide resources and education programming to our communities, amplify the work of advocates working to protect rights and dismantle structural racism, and highlight ways to strategize, organize and mobilize.

The division and inequities in our country won’t be solved overnight. But these problems won’t be solved at all unless we act together to save our democracy — by practicing it — and demand a government that respects the inalienable rights and dignity of all members of the human family.

To join us, we ask that you sign the pledge below.

We, the People, pledge to advocate for Equal Dignity for all. We pledge to petition our elected leaders to join us in re-committing to protect fundamental human rights. The Campaign for Equal Dignity is galvanizing people who believe in human rights to demand equal dignity for all. Follow the Campaign for Equal Dignity on Social @CTR4CHR #equaldignity #feelthepower.

Sign the Pledge

Join the Campaign to Make Equal Dignity a Reality. Read more about the pledge:

1) Advocating for Equal Dignity for All
2) Petitioning my elected leaders
3) Creating change by staying engaged
4) Promoting the campaign and encouraging others

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Our Programs

The National Center for Civil and Human Rights offers ongoing programming for everyone — young professionals, families with children, students, and adults. With both virtual and in-person programs, there is something for everyone. Learn more about what we have to offer below.

An Interfaith Response to White Supremacy

An Interfaith Response to White Supremacy is an education and engagement initiative led by a growing group of religious and civic leaders in Atlanta. Learn More.

Art for Equal Dignity

As we seek to harness the power of expression and demonstrate the absolute necessity of creative voices in addressing, processing, and solving some of the worlds most challenging social and political issues, we invite you to join our Art for Equal Dignity social media campaign. We invite you to help us showcase the artist
as a powerful facilitator of empathy and catalyst for global change with four simple steps.

1. On Instagram (or Twitter), share visual or performance art
that is socio-politically meaningful to you & credit the artist

2. Tag The Center @ctr4chr

3. Add the hashtags #ArtForEqualDignity #EqualDignity

4. Share what equal dignity means to you in the caption;
define it in your own terms