Let’s Face This Together
Dear Friends of The Center:
Our doors have been closed since March 14, and our team misses the in-person interaction with our community. We send strength and love to all of you.
Over the past two weeks, we have made a swift pivot to taking our mission and programs online. We’re offering story times and singalongs for kids, organizing education workshops on civil rights history, and hosting a Lunch and Learn series that will introduce you to individuals responding to COVID-19 with a focus on human rights.
This is something we need to do individually – and collectively. The coronavirus, and the response to it, raises a range of critical human rights issues: access to health care, to an income, to shelter, to education. It forces us to reexamine the obligations a government has to protect the health and security – the basic rights — of its people as well as the responsibilities we have to each other.
The epidemic’s devastating path shows how deeply interconnected we are, and how interdependent. Our response must use this connection, and sense of community, as a strength.
Finally, we confront a villain that doesn’t discriminate; COVID-19 attacks people regardless of their race or religion or economic standing.
In all the ways we respond, we — and our government — must not discriminate either.
Please join us for the conversation (digitally for now!). We will face this together.