The second installment of our Alliance Theatre ALLIANCE(s): In Action partnership features a performance by the Alliance Theatre Teen Ensemble. Freedom Over Me is a reimaging of Ashley Bryan’s book of the same name, adapted for stage and directed by Ameenah Kaplan for the Alliance Theatre Teen Ensemble. This short play tells the story of eleven slaves about whom history has recorded nothing more than names and prices. In his incredibly powerful book, Ashley Bryan has imaged the inner lives and dreams of these eleven people through stunning illustrations and moving poetry. The Teen Ensemble, guided by Ameenah Kaplan, bring these eleven lives off of the page through monologues, music & percussion.
About the Alliance Theatre ALLIANCE(s): In Action Partnership
Atlanta’s award-winning Alliance Theatre and the Center for Civil and Human Rights come together to launch their new partnership: ALLIANCE(S): in Action, a quarterly series that will use performance to catalyze conversations about today’s most pressing human rights issues. Each program will include a play reading by some of Atlanta’s most celebrated artists, followed by a conversation with the audience.