Pledge for Equal Dignity

Pledge for Equal Dignity

We, the People, pledge to advocate for Equal Dignity for all. We pledge to petition our elected leaders to join us in re-committing to protect fundamental human rights.


Longstanding inequalities and systemic discrimination have put under-resourced communities in danger. This includes abuse by law enforcement, as a long list of unarmed black victims makes clear, and more general disinvestment in communities over time that has prevented access to opportunity and compromised people’s health.

During the coronavirus pandemic in particular, specific communities in the United States are facing higher risks and challenges and suffering disproportionate harm. These include African Americans; immigrants; those experiencing homelessness; the LGBTQ community; those who are incarcerated; and people in institutional settings, particularly the elderly and people with disabilities.

Federal, state, and local leaders must closely collect data about police violence in communities of color, reform public safety and policing, and provide enough resources to address challenges. Leaders should also correct the long-standing inequities that put under-resourced communities at risk.


Human rights law obligates governments to take steps to prevent threats to public health, respond to them when they occur, and provide medical care to those who need it.

Fulfilling this obligation includes: Ensuring widespread free or affordable access to quality care and COVID testing; providing additional assistance to under-resourced and at-risk communities; and ensuring health care providers have the necessary resources to provide care safely.


Social distancing requirements have disrupted the economy, hitting low-wage workers particularly hard. The federal government has provided economic aid and temporarily increased unemployment benefits, but these measures fall far short of addressing basic needs.

Federal and state economic measures must ensure coverage of workers hit hardest by the pandemic and aid everyone facing job loss or economic hardship from evictions, utility cut-offs, and debt collectors. Food aid must also be provided to those who need it. Elected leaders must develop long-term solutions to ensure economic stability.


In the United States, access to quality educational opportunities are deeply inequitable, and the coronavirus has widened the gap for low-income students and students of color.

While school systems have received some funding to address needs, states under new budget pressures will be unable to address challenges without significantly more assistance.

Governments at all levels must ensure, and prioritize, equity in educational investments, with an immediate focus on addressing the “digital divide”– the unequal access to technology and broadband connectivity.


Federal and state governments need to ensure everyone who is eligible to vote in primary and general elections can exercise this right without risk to their health.

The federal government and states must establish a range of voting options including early voting, no-excuse absentee/mail-in ballots, and in-person voting protocols that protect voters and poll workers.

Sign the Pledge

Join the Campaign to Make Equal Dignity a Reality:

1) Advocating for Equal Dignity for All
2) Petitioning my elected leaders
3) Creating change by staying engaged
4) Promoting the campaign and encouraging others

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